The inspiration for this chasuble and its companion stole came from the dove window in St Peter’s Basilica as it spoke to my client in two ways, to her Anglo catholic style and the glass mosaic and its colour to…
Category: Chasuble
White Lutyens Chasuble
This chasuble was commissioned by my sister and the parishioners of St Peter’s, Radway in the Benefice of Edge Hill, Warwickshire. It was to be a leaving gift when she moved from Warwickshire, where she was a curate, to Wirral,…
Lutyens Chasuble
I have been quite busy recently with a commission and two design projects for future Ordination stoles but I am finally able to begin the white chasuble commissioned by my sister to pair with her stole. Although I already had…
Green Eucharist Chasuble
Sorry I haven’t published anything for a while & then you get two together. This chasuble was commissioned by my sister to partner her green stole. It features the same grape vine & wheat stems design, with the addition of…
Red Flames Chasuble
A very proud moment
These last few photos are of Alex wearing her chasuble, I hope she doesn’t mind me sharing them! I have been so pleased to have been asked to make it for her, even though she is a very exacting client 🙂…
And it is finished!
I have had to hold off on completing this blog as I was asked by Alex not to post pictures of her chasuble until after her ‘priesting’ and her first Eucharist service. Well she is now a fully fledged priest…
Outlines and fish
Outlining with a red zig-zag stitch really highlights all the different shapes. Unfortunately the photos don’t show how jewel like the colours actually are in reality.  And they are done, just the gold leather crosses to add to the fish.…
Orphrey nice to see you!
I am well on my way now, both the front and back orphrey’s are nearly complete. Just the gold leather work to do on the fish, then make up the chasuble itself ready for them to be attached. I have…
Developing the design
Well almost there, still a few tweaks when I know the exact length of the orphrey. I have a feeling they are currently too long. This is the bit I like, finding the right colour silks. Still want to find some…