Ordination stoles Summer 2025
Just wanted to let Ordinands for June/July 2025 that my order book is currently full and I am therefore unable to take on any more commissions at this time. I can still discuss commissions for September Ordinations & for other

Pomegranates & Bells
The brief for this commission was that the client wanted the stole to have a border of pomegranates and bells below a cross with flames and a dove and it wasn’t to be overly ‘flashy’! I hope I managed it.

Are You Due To Be Ordained In 2024?
If you are and you haven’t organised your ordination stole then it is time to start thinking about it ! Starting to think about it now will give you plenty of time to have one specially commissioned and created just

Things To Think About When Considering Commissioning A Stole
I thought I would put together a little blog on things to think about when commissioning a stole. What is the main colour to be? What do you want your stole to convey? Do you want to reference your spiritual

New challenges
My latest commission has given me a couple of new challenges, musical notation and words. My client, a cellist and singer, was very keen that the musical notation was ‘correct’ in its appearance and not circles on sticks. I printed

White Lutyens Chasuble
This chasuble was commissioned by my sister and the parishioners of St Peter’s, Radway in the Benefice of Edge Hill, Warwickshire. It was to be a leaving gift when she moved from Warwickshire, where she was a curate, to Wirral,