It was important to this commission that it had a strong heraldic feel. I was asked to include a lion rampant, entwined in passion flowers, holding a pomegranate that is split open showing its seeds. A unicorn with head bowed…
Category: Work in Progress
New challenges
My latest commission has given me a couple of new challenges, musical notation and words. My client, a cellist and singer, was very keen that the musical notation was ‘correct’ in its appearance and not circles on sticks. I printed…
Portland Bill
This stole had a number of different elements to it, the first and most tricky being the brief !! I was asked if I could incorporate the Portland Bill lighthouse, the sea, a reference to Portland stone quarried in the…
I Will Pour Out My Spirit
This is my most recent commission, for an ordination stole. I was asked to include the words ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people’ and flames as a starting point for the design. My first designs had flames…
Couching the Tree of Life
Over the last couple of months I’ve been working on my latest commission – the Celtic Tree of Life Stole. This commission came from Waterford in Ireland, so my first international client! I was asked to reflect the elements of…
Joy to the World this Easter
I know it’s been a difficult few weeks for all of us, being apart from the ones we love is very hard and especially so at times of celebration like Easter. I had been thinking of a new project originally…
Panels All Finished
OK so all the panels are now finished and it is time to attach them to the background. As this is my first altar cloth I have to admit to being ever so slightly nervous. Questions I keep asking myself…
Stitching, Couching and a trip to John Lewis!
Although it was back in January when I last posted such a lot has happened on this commission since then. Plenty of stitching both machine and hand, some Trapunto work (not done since my C&G’s back in the early 90’s!),…
Procrastinating Over
Well after the Christmas & New Year break I have finally finished procrastinating & have begun the preparations for the St James’ altar fall. The trickiest part turned out to be working out how much silk to buy. It was…
Altar Fall, St James, Alveston
This project has been buzzing around in my head for quite a while since the idea was first suggested to me by the vicar of St James, who just happens to be my brother in law! It has actually been…