This commission came from an Ordinand who wanted their stole to reflect their affinity to Maunday Thursday and the washing of feet and the central role of Holy Communion. The design of the chalice is based on an Elizabethan chalice…
Author: L_omalley
Broadstairs Fishers of Men
This commission was for a white Ordination stole. My client initially had no definite idea what they would like on their stole, so we talked about their spiritual journey and places that were important to them. The two that resonated…
White Lutyens Chasuble
This chasuble was commissioned by my sister and the parishioners of St Peter’s, Radway in the Benefice of Edge Hill, Warwickshire. It was to be a leaving gift when she moved from Warwickshire, where she was a curate, to Wirral,…