A very salutary lesson was learnt with this stole. I packaged up the silk samples & my full sized original drawing and sent it off 1st class mail to the client. It never arrived !!! This meant going back to my original sketch and re doing the full sized drawing. This time I photocopied it and then sent everything registered delivery. This time, thankfully everything arrived safely and I was given the thumbs up to start.

I began by tracing the background stripe design, tacking it to the wrong side of the interfaced fabric. The different layers of green silks were tacked to the right side of the fabric and secured with a small machine running stitch. Each layer was then trimmed. When all the layers were in place the tracing paper was torn away, working from the right side all the stitched lines were zig-zagged to secure them in place. Finally the excess fabric was cut away.
At this stage the stole was worked as one piece, rather than two separate ones.

I then traced the tree trunk and repeated the process.
The stole is now ready to be cut in half ready to start work on the leaves.